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Dear Customers, English follows
Notice of some SIM service failure
The following problems have occurred.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
I will report the situation. (2021/11/9 11:38)
Date and time of occurrence: 11/6 Around the evening
Recovery date: 11/9 07:30
Impact service:
1) Nippon SIM for Japan 50GB 30 days (model number DHA-SIM-113)
2) Nippon SIM for Japan Unlimited 30 days (model number DHA-SIM-114)
3) Nippon SIM for Japan Unlimited 60 days (model number DHA-SIM-115)
4) Nippon SIM for Japan Unlimited 90 days (model number DHA-SIM-116)
Internet communication is disabled while the line is still 3G.
current situation:
2021/11/7 00:14 We have escalated to a career.
2021/11/7 07:04 Depending on the carrier, network surveys will be included.
2021/11/8 18:00 Recovery work will start.
2021/11/9 07:30 We will restore the line.
2021/11/9 09:30 All lines will be popularized.
that's all
English Versions
Dear Customers
We would like to apologise for the inconvenience caused due to some of our plans not being able to used right now. Please be patient with us while we deep dive and recover the issue.
Details Details
1) Time of incident: Started around 6pm of 11/6
2) Impacted products
--Nippon SIM for Japan 50GB 30days (DHA-SIM-113)
--Nippon SIM for Japan Unlimited 30days (DHA-SIM-114)
--Nippon SIM for Japan Unlimited 60days (DHA-SIM-115)
--Nippon SIM for Japan Unlimited 90days (DHA-SIM-116)
3) Symptoms
--Network switched to 3G and cannot use Internet
4) Reason of cause: Confirming
5) Current situation:
--We had escalated to related carrier on 11/7 00:14, and
--Carrier started investigation on 11/7 07:04
--Carrier recovery action started on 11/8 18:00 onwards
--Carrier confirmed network recovery on 11/9 07:30
--Carrier confirmed all network recovery on 11/9 09:30